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This course has been carefully crafted and created so that you have ALL the easy-to-follow instructions. Michele has created instructional videos, workbooks, and audio files from live conferences. The people who were on these teleconferences paid hundreds of dollars to participate and said it was the best investment of their lives. And when you see how Michele has priced this entire course for you all you will say is WOW. That’s so generous. Many of these people have now written many very successful books! We know you will find the information invaluable and will save you the most valuable thing in life, YOUR TIME and Your Money.
We do not say this lightly. If anyone had taken courses on any one of these topics it would have taken them years and a small fortune to cover all the profoundly important, VITAL information that is covered in detail with this amazing course.
There are many details that have taken years to accumulate which will save you stress and frustration. That is why so many people NEVER finish writing their book. For example, when you do go to write your book or your audio program, DVD series, or whatever it is that your product will be, you’ll need to know about ISBN numbers and how to get them inexpensively and lots of little details that took up so much research over many years from Michele.
So, Michele’s years of experience in different businesses, including seminars, rock’n’roll, running a publishing company, being self-published, networking, marketing, publicity, TV shows, and more are available for you in this course.
This is an exercise of creativity. You will not be thinking about the content or the length of your book. Find your area of expertise and do this quickly.
Michele will share with you how to really write a book. It is so SIMPLE.
For fiction writers, how to create your characters through storyboards. What type of characters they are, their characteristics, what type of personalities and looks? Allow the story to take on its own vision and flow.
Change your old paradigms to the new positive, wealthy, and healthy person that you deserve to be. Everyone wants something big, really big! Become very successful because success is merely only a decision you make.
Utilize the Law Of Attraction with a powerful MP3 Program by The late and Great star of “The Secret” Bob Proctor with Michele Blood.
This program is filled with powerful information on the most important topics you are required to know to use The Law Of Attraction. Covering topics on Decision, Risk, Communication, Success, and Persistence.
Do it Now! Change your old paradigms to the new positive, wealthy, and healthy person that you deserve to be.
This book has inspired millions worldwide including the great Bob Proctor, Loyd Conant to start Nightingale Conant, and Rhonda Byrne to create “The Secret” which was based upon this book.
This powerful audiobook read by Michele Blood, “THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH”, by Wallace D. Wattles, includes explanations and MusiVation™ Technology to help one process the information exponentially.
If you desire to create more money into your life this audiobook will inspire and teach you how to do so. Use The Law Of Attraction and find out HOW to Think and Act in The Certain Way.
“Michele Blood is truly a special person. For over three decades, I have made serious study of the mind and how to live a full and balanced life. I have taught tens of thousands of people around the world how to properly utilize their God-given potential, and then along came Michele Blood. She had a very positive impact on my life, for which I am truly grateful! She made me aware of unique methods for realizing more power by effectively combining affirmations and music. Invest in her entire library and let this petite powerhouse show you a fast and effective way to enjoy more of life’s rich rewards. I enthusiastically introduce Michele Blood and her wonderful work to every audience. Order her material today! Share Michele and her MusiVation™ discovery with your world; they will thank you with sincere gratitude.”
“My experience with Michele’s material is that it works almost instantly. You will notice an immediate change in the way that you think and feel. You will notice an immediate change in the way you act, and react, and respond. It activates your reticular cortex. You begin to see possibilities that you hadn’t seen before, and you may even see results within twenty-four hours. Many people do. Well, what she’s done is she’s been able to infuse the most important messages of success together with music. She’s been able to infuse them with music so that they actively go in and affect the subconscious mind and bring about permanent behavior change. And that’s the critical thing in success and achievement.”
“Michele Blood’s energy is incredible. She is a walking billboard for what she teaches, a high vibration being. I thank her for the work she is doing in the world. I love it, and she’s right about the two hemispheres of the brain working together through her Affirmation Power Music Songs. Everything moving in harmony. Beautiful.”
“Michele Blood’s energy is incredible. She is a walking billboard for what she teaches, a high vibration being. I thank her for the work she is doing in the world. I love it, and she’s right about the two hemispheres of the brain working together through her Affirmation Power Music Songs. Everything moving in harmony. Beautiful.”
Plus 2 Amazing Bonuses
For One Payment of
Price Was $597
Now for a short time only $197.00
For This entire course plus the Bonus products.
To Your Success,
Michele Blood.
Don’t make mistakes that will cost you in the long run. Learn how to write, market, and sell your book the right way.
Anything is easy if you know how. Learning the insider information has taken me years to learn.
You have nothing to lose. This is 100% guaranteed for 60 days. No Questions Asked.
P.P.P.S.If you have any questions send us an email at Team@TheMysticalExperience.com
“Michele’s Secret Formula to Writing a Book & Everything You Need to Know to Publish, Market & Sell Your Book” *Plus Two Amazing Bonuses
For One Payment of
Price Was $597
Now for a short time only $197.00
For This entire course plus the Bonus products.