During the Equinox, it’s very easy to have a major shift in consciousness, because so much power is available to you. It’s a special time of the year to open ourselves up to high Divine Frequency.
We are able to accomplish great things because we can rise up and take action with ease and grace.
Everything is energy… The more energy we have the more that we can accomplish. And we can do this in many areas of our life. Health improves, money increases, and we have peace of mind through Divine Energy. Life becomes brighter and our energy and consciousness rises. Naturally, if your energy level is low, then everything is gray, two dimensional, boring, frustrating, and unhappy.
During this powerful time of the Equinox, we focus our minds on this high, positive, encouraging energy.
A talk about the true meaning of Abundance. As we rise in consciousness, we can feel our Divine Higher Self on a much deeper level. When people are not accomplishing all they set their sights on it is because they are too hooked in the doubting mind and do not have enough Divine Shakti Energy. The Divine cannot be communicated with as directly as one would like. When you experience the Light Transmissions, Michele is actually connecting you on a deeper level. She communicates directly with your Higher Self. When we can communicate directly with the Divine we can bring into our experience an ocean of abundance.
This is how the Enlightened mind can accomplish goals at such a high rate. It is plugged directly into The Divine.
You will receive a beautiful prayer. A Teacher of Enlightenment can see through the veil so that your success, health, and prosperity can be demonstrated. KNOWING the new truth for a life that is beautiful. This then also helps YOU begin to release your fears and have faith with a new-found energy and confidence you never knew before.
A Transmission of Light is an ancient practice that is performed for the purpose of giving someone an Empowerment. It’s when you receive pure prana, pure Kundalini energy from someone that is fully “Awakened” to help you in all areas of your life.
If you want to move into brighter levels of consciousness and achieve your goals faster, these empowerments will assist you.
During the two hour Equinox event, you will receive two Light Transmission Empowerments that fully connect you to your own Higher Divine Self.